
秋吉 湖音




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こちらの例は完成度の高い摘要ですが、まだ校正が必要です。ここで文章を使わせていただく事に了承して下さったChris Marshall教授に御礼申し上げます。校正後の文章を見る前に、下記の文書を読んで、どこに誤りがあるか探し当ててみましょう。

Since 18F- is produced by the 18O(p,n)18F reaction, it is necessary to remove the 18F- ion from it’s aqueous environment. On the GE Tracerlab MX system, this is performed using a QMA Sep- Pak column. The 18F- ion is retained on the column whilst the [18O]H2O passes through.  The activated metal ions pass through the columns and are not retained. The 18F is then eluted from the column with an Acetonitrile solution of Kryptofix and Potassium Carbonate (Yu et al., 2006). The long lived impurities is removed during synthesis enabling the final [18F]FDG product to meet the requirements of the pharmacopoeias (BP, 2000; EP, 2002. However, the long lived impurities are retained in the disposable cassette used on the Tracelab MX radiochemistry system. Precious authors have confirmed the presence of these long lived impurities in both the the Havar foil and the fluorinated water.  The aim of this study was to measure the levers of these long lived impurities in the disposable cassettes, and thus the levels of radioactive waste generated during synthesis, to determine the most appropriate method of disposal


Since 18F- is produced by the 18O(p,n)18F reaction, it is necessary to remove the 18F- ion from its aqueous environment. On the GE Tracerlab MX system, this is performed using a QMA Sep-Pak column. The 18F- ion is retained on the column whilst the [18O]H2O passes through. The activated metal ions pass through the columns and are not retained. The 18F is then eluted from the column with an aAcetonitrile solution of Kryptofix and pPotassium cCarbonate (Yu et al., 2006). The longlived impurities areis removed during synthesis, enabling the final [18F]FDG product to meet the requirements of the pharmacopoeias (BP, 2000; EP, 2002). However, the longlived impurities are retained in the disposable cassette used on the Tracerlab MX radiochemistry system. Prevcious authors have confirmed the presence of these long-lived impurities in both the the Havar foil and the fluorinated water. The aim of this study was to measure the levelrs of these longlived impurities in the disposable cassettes, and thus the levels of radioactive waste generated during synthesis, to determine the most appropriate method of disposal.

いくつか一貫性のない表記が修正されています。columnがcolumnsに(著者の母国語が単数形と複数形を区別しない場合にありがちなミス)、TracelabがTracerlabに訂正されている他、鋭い人は二ヵ所の句点の後に標準的なシングルスペース(一文字空白)ではなくダブルスペース(二文字分の空白)が取られているのに気付くでしょう。PreciousとPrevious、 leversとlevelsのスペル間違いは、スペルチェックでは拾われません。さらに、商標名でない名称を小文字表記に直し、重複した単語を除き、小さな句読点の誤りを直しています。


Since 18F- is produced by the 18O(p,n)18F reaction, it is necessary to remove the 18F- ion from its aqueous environment. On the GE Tracerlab MX system, this is performed using a QMA Sep-Pak column. The 18F- ion is retained on the column whilst the [18O]H2O passes through. The activated metal ions pass through the column and are not retained. The 18F is then eluted from the column with an acetonitrile solution of Kryptofix and potassium carbonate (Yu et al., 2006). The long-lived impurities are removed during synthesis, enabling the final [18F]FDG product to meet the requirements of the pharmacopoeias (BP, 2000; EP, 2002). However, the long-lived impurities are retained in the disposable cassette used on the Tracerlab MX radiochemistry system. Previous authors have confirmed the presence of these long-lived impurities in both the Havar foil and the fluorinated water. The aim of this study was to measure the levels of these long-lived impurities in the disposable cassettes, and thus the levels of radioactive waste generated during synthesis, to determine the most appropriate method of disposal.

CIEP: 英国編集者⋅校正者協会