- 文法、スペリング、句読点。
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その様式に適しているかをチェックいたします。追加料金はありません。 - 図表の内容、キャプション、原文の引用。
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- 矛盾する箇所がないかどうか全体に目を通します。たとえば、計算結果は抄録の数値と同じかどうか、矛盾した結果を招くような箇所がないかどうかをチェックいたします。
- 重複性。学術論文に求められる簡潔な文体に合わせ、過度に語数の多いフレーズは短くする。
- 構成、章や節の内容が論文の主旨を支えているか、見出しが内容を反映しているか、段落の最初にトピックセンテンスが使われているか、読みやすいトランジションやサインポストが含まれているか、原稿に重複性や反復がないかなど、全体像についてコメントします。
- わかりやすさ、 情報が完全で矛盾が無いか、用語や概念が読者に適したレベルで説明されているか、議論が論理的で必要に応じた例で説明されているか、結論が明確であるかなど、論文の利便性についてコメントします。
こちらの例は、スペル間違いや英語を母国語としない人達がよくする文法の誤り、不適切な化学用語(の使用)などが見られる論文摘要の抜粋です。原文を提供して下さったMouad El Aidi博士に感謝いたします。以下が校正前の摘要です。
This study was to examine the effect of storage time and C-Phycocyanin, an antioxidant substance purified from Arthrospira platensis, on spermatozoa in order to improve liquid ram semen storage. Sperm samples were collected from fur adult fertile Sardi lambs and diluted to final concentration 800 million spermatozoa/ml in milk extender and C-Phycocyanin at different concentration. The samples were then stored at 15 °C and several sperm parameters (motility, viability, and morphology) evaluate at 0, 8, and 24 h. Results showed that sperm the motility and kinematic parameters decreased significantly over time of storage especially after 24 hours of storage and that the C-Phycocyanin used in this experiments affected significantly only at 1 and 2% at 0h, evaluation at 8 and 24 hours revealed that this substance didn’t have any positive effect on liquid ram storage, moreover, it negatively affected leading us to doubt that the concentrations we used where poisonous for spermatozoa.
文法的に誤った形での書き出し、スペルチェックでは拾われない二つのスペル間違い(見つけられましたか?)、小文字で書かれるべき化学物質名の大文字表記、一貫性のない空白や単位の表記(0h, 24 hours)、”affected”という言葉の誤使用、そして解読が難しく印象を弱めてしまう長すぎる最後の文章などの問題があります。
The purpose of tThis study was to examine the effect of storage time and C-pPhycocyanin, an antioxidant substance purified from Arthrospira platensis, on spermatozoa in order to improve the storage of liquid ram semen storage. Sperm samples were collected from four adult fertile Sardi ramslambs and diluted to a final concentration of 800 million spermatozoa/ml in milk extender and C-pPhycocyanin at different concentrations. The samples were then stored at 15 °C and several sperm parameters (motility, viability, and morphology) were then evaluated at 0, 8, and 24 h. Results showed that the sperm the motility and kinematic parameters decreased significantly over time of storage, especially after 24 hours of storage, and that the C-pPhycocyanin used in this experiments had a significant eaffected significantly only at 1 and 2% concentrations at 0 h.,Eevaluation at 8 and 24 hours revealed that this substance didnotn’t have any positive effect on the storage of liquid ram semenstorage;, moreover, it had a negativelyeaffected, leading us to concludedoubt that the concentrations we used where not toxicpoisonous for spermatozoa.
先に述べた問題点の校正に加え、ラテン名をイタリック体にし、“liquid ram semen storage”のような名詞の塊を分け、”didn’t”という短縮形を削除し(科学論文において短縮形は推奨されない)、”In order”も省き(文章に何も影響しないため)、”poisonous”をより科学的な“toxic”という言葉に置き換えています。また、”800 ミリオン”ではなく、より標準的な表現を勧めたいと思います。
Wordの「校閲」の機能により、簡単に添削を承諾あるいは無視することができます(指導のビデオはこちら 3:30~)。完了後の原稿は以下のようになります。
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of storage time and C-phycocyanin, an antioxidant substance purified from Arthrospira platensis, on spermatozoa to improve the storage of liquid ram semen. Sperm samples were collected from four adult fertile Sardi rams and diluted to a final concentration of 800 million spermatozoa/ml in milk extender and C-phycocyanin at different concentrations. The samples were then stored at 15 °C and several sperm parameters (motility, viability, and morphology) were then evaluated at 0, 8, and 24 h. Results showed that the sperm motility and kinematic parameters decreased significantly over time of storage, especially after 24 h of storage, and that the C-phycocyanin used in this experiment had a significant effect only at 1 and 2% concentrations at 0 h. Evaluation at 8 and 24 h revealed that this substance did not have any positive effect on the storage of liquid ram semen; moreover, it had a negative effect, leading us to conclude that the concentrations we used were not toxic for spermatozoa.